All Roads Led to Napa
After traversing the world, global “power” couple Damian Archbold and Claire Hobday choose Napa

Considered one of the top realtors in Napa Valley, Damian credits his Napa real estate breakthrough to the local cycling club Clydesdale's, where one of the members asked him to look at a vineyard property she had developed. "She was trying to sell it but felt the current agent she had at the time was undervaluing it," said Damian, who took over the listing and sold the property for $1million more than the previous agent had valued it. "I began to see a niche for myself, with my background allowing me to value properties differently. Even if I come to the same number as other agents, I believe I can justify the price in a more thorough way." His expertise has since contributed to many local vineyard, winery, and home sales, including one of the largest small winery sales in Napa history, that of Seven Stones, for $34milion. "While I can offer some unique expertise to winery and vineyard properties for sale, my background also has provided me with a type of discipline and deep understanding of fiduciary responsibility and transparency that make all my clients fee more a peace during the selling or buying process," said Damian. "Its just part of my work ethic and applies to smaller homes as much as multi-million-dollar properties".


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